Jon took after his mother in his looks, the Stark features, with his dark brown hair and grey black eyes. Also, well-endowed and with hard abs, he made many a woman admire him. Not that he knew anything about women. Yet.
Follow THE ODYSSEY OF JON SNOW to see his journey to becoming a man and discovering the delights of pussy.
When King Robert's entourage arrived at Winterfell to make Eddard the new Hand of the King, he found himself talking to Tyrion Lannister, another outsider, and gained some useful advice about wearing his 'bastard' name openly like armor so that it cannot be used against him.
After training with swords, being banished from the feast hall, he came across Cersei Lannister. The beautiful golden sexy lioness of the West. Also, the Queen.
She liked the look of Jon and as Robert had pursued a serving girl at the feast blatantly snubbing his wife she decided she wanted her own fun. Her rounded tits mesmerised Jon and his cock became hard like the blade of his sword. Cersei quickly found out that her was a virgin and set out to change that. In THE ODSSEY OF JON SNOW, you can shadow Jon as he licks Cersei's folds, massages those golden mounds and fucks her pussy.

Soon after reaching the Wall and his new home, Benjen Stark left Jon to participate in a ranging beyond the Wall but did not return.
At Castle Black, Jon first remains aloof and distant making no friends earning him the name "Lord Snow" and the other recruits resent Jon's aura of superiority (being brought up at Winterfell), but he makes amends by helping them master swordplay. Also, he befriends Samwell Tarly who helps him become the squire to the Commander Mormont. The Commander of the Night's Watch saw potential in Jon Snow and groomed him to take command after Jon saved his life from an undead wight from beyond the Wall. It transpired that the wight was one of the brothers that had taken part in Benjen's ranging party and it was clear that Benjen had been gone too long.
Thus, a ranging beyond the Wall was required and Jon accompanied the Commander and his brothers to find out more about the wight threat and to find Benjen. At Craster's Keep they learn that the normally anarchic wildlings are uniting under a single figure, King-beyond-the-Wall Mance Rayder and rumors of the Others were more common.
Lord Commander Mormont sent Jon with Qhorin Halfhand to infiltrate the wildlings and find out the intentions of the wildling leader and learn more of the threat posed by the Others. Jon is sent out with a scouting party and in Skirling pass, Jon comes upon a wildling lookout and takes the warrior girl Ygritte captive; though told to kill her, lets her escape.
Qhorin commands Jon to penetrate the Wildlings no matter the cost. Jon pretends to disavow the Night's Watch and, with the help of Ghost, kills Qhorin to prove his word. Along with a small band of wildlings and Ygritte he sets out to find Mance Rayder.

He joined a Wildling scout group and breached the Wall and followed them towards Castle Black. His loyalty to the Night's Watch took over as he realised he must warn his brothers about the attack. Abandoning Ygritte, he raced back to Castle Black and prepared for the attack. He finds that Lord Commander Mormont had been murdered at Craster's Keep and that the Brothers were in turmoil. Although, when the Wildlings finally attacked, the Night's Watch were ready and they defeated them with casualties on both sides. Jon found Ygritte shot with an arrow and her last words were that they should have never left the cave when she died in a grief stricken Jon’s arms.
When Stannis Baratheon came to the aid of Castle Black he tells Jon that because his father and brother Robb had died and Bran and Rickon murdered (although untrue as Bran and Rickon had escaped and Bran sent Beyond the Wall) he would make Jon the Lord of Winterfell and a legitimate Stark as long as he swore fealty to Stannis as King. This gave Jon a conflict in desires as he always envied Robb's birth right but also he had become to love his black brothers a family too. Unbeknownst to him, due to the efforts of Samwell Tarly, Jon has been voted as a compromise candidate between rival factions of the Watch for the post of Lord Commander. When he sees his direwolf Ghost, he muses that Ghost and the weirwood at Winterfell belonged to the old gods and that if he yielded to Stannis the heart tree would be burnt as Stannis now believed in the god R'hallor and Winterfell would be in the clutches of his red priestess Melisandre.
He refused Stannis' demands and becomes the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch by acclamation.
Jon divided the Watch when he wanted the join forces with the Wildlings to defeat a bigger threat, the Night's King. After the Battle of Hardhome and defeating white walkers with his obsidian and Valyrian steel weapons, the Watch's faction battles came to a head resulting in the stabbing to death of Jon Snow. Fortunately, Melisandre was at Castle Black at the time and resolved to resurrect him as she believed he was part of the "Prince that was Promised" prophecy.
In THE ODSSEY OF JON SNOW, she gave him the breath of life by sucking his cock until he released his semen in a sensational orgasm. After, Melisandre fully awakened him by calling on R'hallors power and her cunt sliding down his shaft.
Jon got his revenge on those that stabbed him to death by hanging them and declared that his "watch has ended".
When it turned out that Ramsay Bolton had captured Winterfell and his wife Sansa had escaped to seek Jon at Castle Black they shared their lives since leaving Winterfell, and reminisce about their childhoods. Sansa apologised about how awful she treated Jon and Jon forgives her. Subconsciously, they both fancied each other and briefly imagined what it would be like if they fucked each other like the wolves they were.
Jon decides to obtain the help of the wildlings and the leader of them, Tormund Giantsbane, whom he became friends with during the raid led by Mance. He led them on to defeat Ramsay in The Battle of the Bastards. After one on one duel in the courtyard of Winterfell Jon punches Ramsay's face into a bloody pulp and imprisons him. He knew Sansa deserved vengeance for she was beaten, defiled and raped during her marriage and told her where Ramsay was kept. She got her revenge by setting Ramsay's own starving dogs on him.

After saving Winterfell from the Bolton's, Jon is declared The King in the North and he rallies his troops where he informs them of the threat of the Night's King. Jon receives a raven from Sam in Oldtown informing him of his discovery of dragonglass on Dragonstone. This gave Jon hope of mining enough weapons to be able to defeat the White Walkers as normal steel did not harm them. At another gathering of the Northern lords Jon informs them of Sam's discovery and that Daenerys Targaryen had come to Dragonstone to claim her right to the Iron Throne. He also shares that Daenerys had sent him invitation to meet which he had decided to accept.
Arriving on Dragonstone, it is clear that the sexual tension between THE DRAGON AND THE WOLF is palpable. Even when she demands he bends the knee. He refuses saying that the North would never accept a southern ruler after the mistreatment they had been subjected to. He then asked for her help in defeating the White Walkers, taking her to a cave in a dragonglass mine and showed her the paintings that depicted the Night's King was only defeated the first time because the Children of the Forest and the First Men chose to join together to fight off their own extinction, and that is the choice between Jon and Daenerys now. She still didn't believe him so he set off to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea to capture a wight. After his ranging party were surrounded by wights and White Walkers alike, he sent Gendry, a member of the party, to beg for Daenery's help. She came with her three fire breathing dragons and they escaped on the back on the biggest one, Drogon. Unfortunately, the Night's King speared Viserion and caused him to fall dead although he later resurrects the beast for his own use.

Daenerys and Jon sail towards the North unaware of Cersei's machinations and the sexual tension between THE DRAGON AND THE WOLF came to a head. Daenerys let Jon into her cabin and the night was dark and full of cum. After burrowing his shaft into her soft ridged cunt they experimented with many positions slaking their thirst over each other's bodies. In THE DRAGON AND THE WOLF, Dany wraps her lips around Jon's thick cock and Jon returns the favour by licking her burning heat.