House Bolton is an an powerful house in the North sworn to House Stark despite several failed rebellions against the Starks over the centuries. The second most powerful house of the North is despised and feared by many; unsurprisingly as they have a habit of flaying their enemies alive. In homage to their dubious past, their sigil is a flayed man. Lord Roose Bolton believes "a naked man has few secrets, but a flayed man has none". But none of the Bolton's were as cruel as Ramsay Snow. The bastard son of Lord Roose, an unlikable, extremely sadistic individual, enjoyed rape, torture and mutilation. He particularly liked having young women stripped naked and released into the forests, before hunting them with his pack of feral dogs. If a woman gave him good sport, he granted her a quick death and his dogs even got named after some if they gave good chase. Those who didn't please the slope shouldered, big boned man were flayed alive in the ancient Bolton practice and fed to Ramsay's dogs, kept consistently in a half starved state to encourage their savageness.

Ramsay was named castellan of the Dreadfort, the seat of House Bolton, when Lord Roose Bolton was at war in the Southern Lands. He spread fear throughout the North, amassing his own army and causing widespread pain and suffering. Ramsay forcibly married Lady Hornwood to claim her lands, before raping her and forcing her to sign a document proclaiming him Lord of the Hornwood before starving her to death in a tower. When Ser Rodrick Cassel attempted to put an end to his atrocities, he swapped places with his companion Reek and evaded being killed. He was then taken to Winterfell.
When Theon Greyjoy and his Ironborn soldiers captured Winterfell Ramsay-Reek offered his services in exchange for freedom. When the Greyjoy's came under attack, Ramsay-Reek persuaded Theon to let him ride to the Dreadfort to gather reinforcements. He betrayed Theon when he returns to Winterfell with an army posing as allies. He massacred the Northern relief force, but then proceeded to kill the Ironborn, burn Winterfell, and take Theon prisoner.
He kept Theon as a prisoner, flaying him mercilessly and sent some of his skin to Robb Stark as a show of an alliance. Theon feared Ramsay so much that he adopted the identity of Reek and served Ramsay in rags and a foul stench. This pleased Ramsay that he had power to cause such terror that he got Theon to do pretty much whatever he desired.
When Roose Bolton murdered Robb at The Red Wedding, changing alliance to the Iron Throne instead of the Starks, King Tommen Baratheon legitimized Ramsay and he became a true Bolton. As a reward for their betrayal, Tywin Lannister appointed Roose Bolton as the new Warden of the North as well as the new Lord of Winterfell. Ramsay then accompanied the rest of House Bolton in moving to Winterfell.
Ramsay had pink blotchy skin, a mealy mouth, sadistic tendencies and knew that no women desired him. But that did not stop him plundering their cunts and making them choke on his dick.
When Tywin Lannister died upon the toilet throne, Roose panicked as he knew that his protection was now in jeopardy. Ramsay's atrocities could cause the rest of the Northern Houses to rebel against the Bolton's. Plus Stannis Baratheon's forces were marching from The Wall in a plan to retake the North so he could follow through with his claim to the Throne. With
Petyr Baelish's help, he conspired to have Ramsay married to
Sansa Stark, the only known living member left of House Stark, in a bid to secure his hold upon Winterfell.

Initially feigning kindness towards his bride, showing how Theon, now Reek, was treated in response to deigning to capture her home, he soon showed his cruel side. In the bridal bedchamber, he smashed his mouth against hers in a bid to own her. He soon angered at the lack of response from the beautiful, sexual red-haired bride and ordered Theon to warm her up. Theon being castrated by Ramsay could not use his dick to open her up and so had to use his tongue to get her wet so Ramsay could take
THE VIRGINITY OF SANSA. He made he suck his well-endowed cock until she gagged before circling the rim of her ass opening before plunging his Bolton spear into it. After he had ripped her ass apart he delved into her hot pussy forcing her to cum.
When Stannis arrived with his forces, and began the Battle for Winterfell, Sansa and Theon escaped during the fracas and headed for Castle Black where Sansa's half-brother, Jon Snow, resided as Lord Commander.
Roose was displeased that Ramsay had let Sansa escape and dismisses Ramsay's proposals to storm Castle Black.

Ramsay was then bothered by the birth of Roose Bolton's son by Walda Bolton née Frey as he knew that that he no longer had the strongest claim to his father's titles and lands, being a legitimized bastard instead of a trueborn son. He then proceeded to murder Roose and let Walda and her new-born be eaten by his dogs securing him the position as the next Lord of the Dreadfort, Lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North. He had Rickon Stark as a prisoner when Smalljon Umber presented him as a show of faith and loyalty. He then sent a letter to Jon Snow at Castle Black, threatening to exterminate the wildlings and have Rickon and Jon killed if Sansa was not returned to him.

This resulted in the Battle of the Bastards. Before the fighting began in earnest, Ramsay sent Rickon flying across the battle field before feathering him down with arrows which was easy because Rickon, in his fear, stupidly decided to not zigzag across the plain but fled in a straight line. The Bolton army were winning until the Knights of the Vale came to Jon's rescue and Ramsay fled back to the safety of the walls of Winterfell. Jon chases after him and beat him bloody and broken for taking
THE VIRGINITY OF SANSA and imprisoned him in the kennels of Ramsay's own hounds.
Sansa visited Ramsay and realising that the hounds had not been fed for a while, as was custom to make sure they were almost feral, she loosed them upon her ugly husband and he died at the mouths of his own dogs thus ending the line of House Bolton with his death.
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