Khal Drogo was young for a khal but he was a legendary warrior and had never been defeated in battle thus was referred sometimes as The Great Khal. With Vaes Dothrak, the sacred Dothraki city, Drogo owned a palace He also possessed a nine-towered manse in Pentos, given to him by the city's ruling magisters as part of their policy of bribing the Dothraki not to loot the city. Desiring the most beautiful, exotic and worthy woman in the world as his khaleesi, he enlisted Magister Illyrio Mopatis to help him find such a woman. Illyrio found Princess Daenerys Targaryen.
The Dothraki don't believe in money, their economy worked on their raiding and bartering system. Drogo's new khaleesi was given as a gift in return for the promise of supplying Dothraki troops to support Daenerys' brother Viserys's play for the Iron Throne.
Daenerys was terrified of the stern faced, tall and muscular man. But she remembered that her brother needed her to please her new Khal so he could gain the army he needed. The copper colored warlord said little, partly for the inability of speaking the Common Tongue, but was pleased with his little silver haired wife and gifted her with a beautiful white filly in honor of her hair color. She was pleased when she rode the horse and told Illyrio to tell her husband that he has given her the wind, and Drogo smiled. The bride was given several other wedding gifts including handmaidens, books of Westeros and 3 petrified dragons eggs. The last paid homage to her Valyrian ancestry. The wedding occurred outside the city of Pentos and in a traditional Dothraki way. The ceremony lasted all day and would not have been considered a dull wedding if there wasn't at least 3 deaths. The Dothraki men took the dancing women and mounted them in the open like stallions. When two men grabbed the same bare breasted woman, a fight to the death ensued. The death total was 12 making the wedding an exceptional one.
Drogo was determined to consummate their marriage immediately and they rode off to a grassy knoll. Daenerys was terrified but although they shared no common language, he established that he understood the word "no," but he forced himself upon Daenerys anyway, albeit in an almost sympathetic way. He encompassed her body until she found it hard to breathe and began to weep, but Drogo said "No," and wipes her tears away before stroking her slender body and palming her small tits. He showed a tenderness towards his Khaleesi and she soon found that she enjoyed being touched and acquiesced to his probing hands. Seen in THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS, he pushed himself into her virgin pussy with all his power, mounting her like a stallion and she cried out to the night sky.

Daenerys sought advice from another handmaid, Doreah, on how to best please him in bed which culminated in a closer relationship. They explored more of each other's bodies in THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS, Daenerys giving Drogo's cock a mind blowing blow job and Daenerys getting her ass pounded in by the large studs dick.
Eventually, Daenerys carried the studs child in her belly. The women of the dosh khaleen proclaimed that Drogo and Daenerys's unborn child would be the stallion who mounts the world, a prophesied leader in Dothraki legend: the khal of khals who will command the largest khalasar ever seen and lead the Dothraki to dominion over all the lands of the world. Daenerys named their unborn child Rhaego.
Viserys had joined the khalasar on the journey to Vaes Dothrak to make sure Drogo's word on giving him an army was kept but he grew impatient and, jealous of Daenerys devotion to another man, got drunk and entered the tent where the celebrations of the Rhaego, uninvited. Brandishing a sword, drawing steel in Vaes Dothraki is forbidden upon the pain death, and threatening the life of Daenerys and her unborn child if he didn't get his army he was promised. Drogo showed his cunning when he learnt what Viserys' ramblings were about by telling Viserys, via Daenerys, that he would have "a golden crown that men shall tremble to behold." He then took off his belt of medallions and put them in the pot over the firepit. He then upended the pot over Viserys head, crowning him with the molten gold, killing him.

On the way to the sea, they plunder the village of Lhazar. During the pillage, Drogo's khalasar defeated the rival khalasar of Khal Ogo. Drogo slew Ogo himself, but took a wound to the chest.
Unconcerned with his wound, thinking it minor, he ignored it until Daenerys convinced him to let Mirri, a maegi she had rescued, make him a poultice. The poultice itched and not trusting the maegi, Drogo tore it off, which caused the wound to fester.
The wound poisoned the khal, and Drogo deteriorated until he eventually fell from his horse. Unable to ride, a great shame within the Dothraki culture, for "a Khal that cannot ride cannot lead" meant that Drogo's leadership was under threat and Daenerys life in jeopardy, for some of the Dothraki, especially Qotho, didn't agree with the foreign khaleesi.
Daenerys demanded Mirri save the khal and was warned that only death would only save a life but she agreed. Mirri ordered Drogo's horse slaughtered and a bath made of its blood. She then put Drogo in amidst the bath of blood and started chanting.
Daenerys went into labour when Qotho shoved her to the ground, knocking her out as he intervened to prevent the ritual as he became agitated by the witchcraft. But it was a stillbirth and when Daenerys came to after fainting she found that Drogo survived but in a vegetative state. It soon became clear that the ritual drew its power not just from the stallion but from the death of Rhaego too.
Mirri had betrayed Daenerys. Her child was dead and Drogos khalasar disbanded.
When Daenerys realized that Drogo would never return to his former state, never feeling him raking his cock against the tight walls of her pussy again, she smothers him with a pillow to end his misery and built him a funeral pyre. She placed her dragons eggs upon the Khals body, unconsciously remembering death would pay for a life and summoned for the maegi. She bound Mirri to the pyre and set it alight. She then said goodbye to her sun and stars and walked into the fiery inferno.
When the flames died down and the smoke cleared, Daenerys emerged from the smouldering ashes with three dragons surrounding her; Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal.
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