When Tyrion was 16, during a ride with brother Jaime, he met a girl called Tysha whom had apparently escaped being raped. Helping her recover from her ordeal, they soon fell in love and married by bribing a drunk septon. They lived together for a short time in blissful happiness until Tywin found them. Jaime had to confess that he had hired Tysha, who was actually a prostitute, to make Tyrion happy for Jaime was the only family member who had any fondness for his younger brother. Tywin then gave Tysha to his guards who then gave a silver coin for every time they fucked her pussy and forced Tyrion to fuck her too, earning her a gold coin for a Lannister was worth more. Tyrion began to seek his pleasure with prostitutes believing that no girl could ever truly love him for who he was.
His love for stories written by Lomas Longstrider, who travelled the lands, fuelled his passion to travel and see landmarks with his own mismatched brown and green eyes.
He was part of the Royal procession that headed to Winterfell to promote Ned Stark to Hand of The King. He met with the prostitute Ros in Winter Town and enjoyed the pleasure until Jaime arrived to convince him to dine with the rest of the family. Reluctant, Tyrion hangs behind and meets Jon Snow, the bastard of Ned Stark, as a result. Recognising a kindred spirit, he advises Jon to wear his bastard name like an armor and then no one can hurt him. "All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes," he explained.
His intelligence and curiosity was piqued when Bran Stark had fallen from a tower unconscious despite his climbing abilities and he slapped his nephew Joffrey when the prince refused to show his respects to the Starks as was expected.

Unbeknownst to Tyrion, Petyr Baelish had told Catelyn Stark that it was Tyrion's dagger that was used in an assassination attempt upon her son Bran's life. Catelyn then captures Tyrion and then takes him towards the Eyrie to await trial. On the journey through The Vale for Arryn, the party was attacked by Vale clansmen but Tyrion defends Catelyn and makes a dubious friendship with the sellsword Bronn. At the Eyrie, Lysa Arryn, sister of Catelyn, is disgusted by Tyrion and accuses him of killing her husband too. Tyrion demands a trial by combat and Bronn as his champion. When Bronn wins the fight, earning Tyrion's freedom, they leave the Vale. But not before being attacked by clansmen again. Having learnt that Robb Stark was now King in The North and was rebelling due to Eddard Stark being executed for being falsely accused of treason and using his wits and wisdom, Tyrion gains the clansmen's loyalty with promises of weapons and glory. Thus, he arrived at the Riverlands with an army at his back to join his father's army for the Battle of Greenfork against the Starks.
Before the fighting started in earnest, Bronn found Tyrion a whore to please him. The girl, Shae, became enamored by Tyrion and called him "the giant of Lannister" with fondness when she saw that his stature hid a generous cock.
After the battle, Tyrion was then sent to King's Landing to act as Hand of the King to King Joffrey as Robert Baratheon had died and Ned Stark beheaded for treason. Robb Stark had captured Jaime in retaliation to his sisters, Sansa and Arya being imprisoned in King’s Landing.
Tyrion sets Shae up in a manse outside the Red Keep to keep her existence in King's Landing a secret as he knew his father would not tolerate him bringing a whore to court.

When the Battle of Blackwater was won against Stannis Baratheon, he was knocked unconscious and his features marred even more when a sword cut deep into his face. When he awoke, he knew Cersei was behind the attack. He grew his golden hair longer and a black beard to disguise the scar.
At Joffrey's wedding feast in honour of the marriage between him and Margaery Tyrell, the newly crowned king was poisoned and died in the middle of festivities. Tyrion was promptly accused for he showed no love towards the cruel boy and had been mocked when Joffrey had hired a troupe of dwarves to entertain the guests. Tyrion was imprisoned and thrown into the Black Cells to await trial.
During the trial, false witnesses were presented and condemned Tyrion. The last witness was his beloved Shae, who ridiculed him and swore that he plotted to murder the King.
During another trial of combat, Oberyn Martell, Tyrion's Champion whom had offered to fight in a chance to avenge the murder of his sister and her children, was slain by The Mountain and Tyrion was thrown back into the Black Cells beneath the Red Keep condemning him to death. Jaime came to visit him and with the help of Varys freed his younger brother. On the escape from the cells, Jaime reveals that Tysha had not been a prostitute. She had genuinely loved Tyrion, but Tywin had forced Jaime to lie about it. This enraged Tyrion and he shot Tywin dead with a crossbow before fleeing to the Free Cities.

When they arrived at the fighting pits in Meereen they meet Daenerys. She first wanted to execute him for past family crimes but he soon made her realise that they had much more in common than she thought. After a conversation in which she declared she wanted to not just stop the spokes of the wheel that Aegon had made when he conquered Westeros but to break the wheel of power completely ceasing the Houses power upon the masses. Daenerys ultimately decides not to kill or banish Tyrion, but to take him as an advisor on how to reclaim the Iron Throne for he drunk wine and he knew things. His new queen had a healthy appetite for sex and in THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS he teased her until she begged for his large member to plunge into her fiery depths. But he asked for her to taste his cock before divulging her. The Imp pleased her so much that she made him The Hand of the Queen.
When Daenerys returned from the Great Grass Sea with an army of Dothraki, he was part of her entourage when they voyaged from Essos to Dragonstone. Once there, in a council of war, he advises Daenerys to make the first move and capture Casterly Rock. He also vouches for Jon Snow when he came, newly crowned as King in The North, to ask for a boon from Daenerys for the upcoming White Walker threat.

Present at the parley with Cersei he meets his sister inside the Hands Office and she finally acknowledges that Tyrion did not kill Joffrey but that he did kill their father. Although he tries to goad her into having him killed by The Mountain, she doesn't. Their argument and her gestures cause Tyrion to correctly deduce that she is pregnant with another incestuous child by Jaime.
Joining the rest of Daenerys party in the Dragonpit, he hears Cersei agree to Daenerys proposal to cease fighting each other and fight the Night's King instead.
On the ship sailing to White Harbour, he witnesses THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS and Jon Snow give in to their mutual attraction and head into her chamber much to his chagrin as he ponders the possible political complications and the fact that Daenerys would not be sucking his cock and slaking his lust with her molten heat no longer.
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