House Mormont is sworn to House Stark and when Eddard Stark discovered Jorah selling slaves he condemned him to death. But Jorah and Lynesse fled to Lys and he became a sellsword. Unfortunately, Lynesse wanted more than the life of a sellswords wife and left Jorah. He became familiar with the Free Cities and travelled with the Second Sons and the Dothraki. The strong, fit middle-aged man became proficient in wielding various weapons and fighting styles. He eventually found himself spying on behalf of Robert's Master of Whisperers Varys in the hope of earning a royal pardon and was present at the wedding of Daenerys and Khal Drogo.
His task was to relay Daenerys whereabouts to Varys so he becomes a constant companion to Daenerys and Viserys (the Beggar King), joining Viserys' services. He held Viserys in contempt and became more loyal towards Daenerys as he admired her bravery and desired her youthful body.

When Daenerys emerged from the fire of Drogo's pyre with three living dragons, he was the first to pledge fealty to Daenerys and thus named the first of her Queensguard.
He had got closer to his dream of pledging fealty to her cunt and forsook his task of spying on her. He tried to forget his past allegiance by giving her reasonable, practical, and effective advice.
Counselling Daenerys along with Barristan Selmy, another exiled knight, they obtain the Unsullied in Astapor and head to Yunkai. Yunkai had shut its gates against Daenerys' newly acquired army and was taunting them from the high impenetrable wall. He subtly tried to work out if Selmy knew about his past of spying on Daenerys and they bicker about whether Yunkai needed to be sacked but Daenerys wanted the slaves to be freed so Jorah and Grey Worm infiltrate the city using the sewage tunnels and open the gates from the inside. He was present when the newly freed slaves greeted Daenerys as their new "mhysa".
Outside Meereen, Barristan Selmy discovered Jorah's dual past and confronts him. Jorah was summoned by Daenerys and after trying to declare that he loved her and was loyal to her he reluctantly told the truth. Confessing to providing Varys information on Daenerys's activities in Essos, she banishes him from Meereen.
He heads to Volantis with his heart full of sorrow and his balls heavy from need to show Daenerys his true loyalty. Hiring a silver haired whore in hopes of slaking his lust he gets drunk and fondles the girls breasts imagining that they were the pert tits of his Queen. He finds Tyrion Lannister and kidnaps him and declares that he is taking him to Daenerys. He believed that this 'gift' would win her heart and the secret joy in-between her legs.
On the way back to Meereen, they sail through the ruins of Valyria and he becomes infected with Greyscale during an attack from the stonemen. During the attack Tyrion falls into the river and becomes unconscious. He wakes up upon a shore having been rescued by Jorah. They then make their way towards Meereen on foot, having lost their boat. Jorah discovers that his father, Jeor Mormont had died and that he wished for his only son to take the Black and join the Night's Watch.
They become captured by slavers whom plan to sell them in Volantis. Tyrion's wit and Jorah's brawn convince the slavers to take them to Meereen instead with the promise of making them rich if they sold them into the infamous fighting pits.
In Meereen, The Bear discovers that his Maiden Fair would be present during the fights and whilst his face was hidden with a helmet, took out the other fighters before revealing himself to Daenerys. Unfortunately, THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS hadn't forgiven him for spying upon her and ordered him away. Jorah presents Tyrion as a gift to placate her fieriness and returns to the pits.

Jorah and Daario head off after Drogon leaving Tyrion and Missandei to keep the peace in Meereen. Drogon was last seen flying north and they travel towards the Great Grass Sea. When they find Daenerys ring they deduce that she had been captured by a Dothraki khalasar.
When they arrive in Vaes Dothrak, they help THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS escape by killing some Dothraki screamers and setting the Temple of Dosh Khaleen alight.
The next day, Daenerys confronts Jorah. She reminds him that she has banished him twice, but remembers that he has twice returned, and has saved her life. She is grateful and realise that the gruff bear man loves her. In THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS the Bear relives his wish that he had gone over in his mind over and over. He wants to give Daenerys his protection.

But it was only a dream. Even if it did seem realistic.
Back in Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys ponders what to do with the strong man that clearly wants her. Being short spoken, Jorah tells her that she must send him away, revealing his greyscale and she agrees but not before making him promise to come back to her.
He heads towards Oldtown in Westeros to find his cure.
In the Citadel, he is told that his greyscale was incurable and that he would be exiled the next day. Luckily, a man called Samwell Tarly rediscovered an old cure and in secret and with a lot of suffering and agony, although he has an immense tolerance for pain as he managed to stay silent during the procedure, cures Jorah overnight.
He then returns to his MOTHER OF DRAGONS and she is overwhelmed by his recovery and accepts the loyal warrior into her service once again. He was sent to became part of Jon Snow's party that ventured beyond the Wall to capture a wight and was seated next to Daenerys during the parley in the Dragons Pit.
After Cersei seemingly agreed to help, he left with Daenerys party and headed North.
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