Daenerys recognised the girl's intelligent diplomacy and asked for her as a show of good faith when she strikes a deal with Kraznys; the army of Unsullied and the boys still training in return for one of her dragons. Kraznys agreed and so Missandei became Daenerys scribe instead.
Missandei was present when Kraznys and Daenerys conduct their exchange. She interpreted their exchange until to her shock Daenerys began issuing orders to the Unsullied in perfectly accented Valyrian and bid Drogon to burn the Good Masters of Astapor alive uttering "dracarys" to the black scaled dragon.
Missandei serves as Daenerys's primary aide-de-camp and on her new Queen's orders, she gathers the Unsullied officers together and orders them to select a single leader from among themselves which resulted in well built, brown haired handsome Grey Worm being selected. They then headed towards Meereen where Daenerys wanted to set the slaves free.

Meereen did not accept Daenerys as their Queen and rebelled against her as much as possible. One of the factions that rebelled were the Sons of the Harpy. The harpy is the symbol of the Old Ghiscari Empire and the Sons were angered when after the city was conquered Daenerys had the harpy torn down.
When Grey Worm is injured and confined to a bed after an attack by the Sons of the Harpy in Meereen, Missandei was watching over him. He explains that he didn't fear death but that it would not see Missandei again and she kisses him for the first time. Tongues dancing, they were fired by primal lust but Grey Worms injuries prevented them from exploring each other's bodies further leaving Missandei’s skin pin prickling with need.

THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS valued Missandei more than just her diplomacy skills. When Daario Naharis was away from Daenerys bedchambers, Missandei left her adjoining chamber and joined Daenerys in the main room. Desiring a release, Daenerys was serviced by Missandei's mouth around her clit and tongue flicking over erect nipples. In THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS, it shows that Daenerys didn’t always need a man to make her squirt but that women can tease her dragon juice out of her pussy too. This was obvious when she met with Yara Greyjoy whom flirted with her when she came to offer her Iron Island fleet to her cause. Daenerys recognised that Yara was fluent in pleasing women and the sexual tension was palpable when Yara declared she "was up for anything really".
When Daenerys escapes an assassination upon Drogon's back, the young golden girl with an artful tongue was left in Meereen to keep the peace. She counsels Tyrion Lannister when they enter negotiations with the other Slaver cities. In the Great Pyramid they celebrate successful negotiations with wine and joking. She is visibly pleased when Grey Worm inadvertently makes his own joke, noticing another personality under the normal solemn façade.
When the Slaver cities revoke on the agreement and bombard the city from their fleets with trebuchets Daenerys returned and Missandei accompanies her along with Grey Worm and Tyrion during a meeting with representatives from the slavers' cities. The slaver Razdul demands the return of the Unsullied and Missandei but Daenerys refuses and unleashes her dragons fire upon the fleet and Grey Worm kills two of three of the representatives.
Missandei continues her loyal role when she joins Daenerys on her voyage to conquer Westeros with the Unsullied, Dothraki, Greyjoy long ships, Martell armadas.
On Dragonstone, Daenerys decides to make the first move by capturing Casterly Rock and sets Grey Worm as head of the Unsullied to take charge of the attack.

When Jon Snow and Davos Seaworth arrived upon Dragonstone to parley with Daenerys to ask for her help in the upcoming war with the Nights King. The Naathi butterfly declared Daenerys’ many titles and was bemused when Davos declared Jon with a single title of King in the North. When the news of the Greyjoy fleet was attacked, Daenerys and Missandei head down to the beach. Missandei mentions that she worries about Grey Worm because they haven't heard any news from Casterly Rock yet. Daenerys queries what happened between her and Grey Worm, and Missandei says "many things" drolly, grinning at the memory of purring with pleasure as he dominated her tight pussy.
After the death of Viserion at the hands of the Night's King on a mission to capture a wight to prove the threat to the Seven Kingdoms was real, Daenerys agrees to pledge all her forces to the Northern cause, changing her objectives.
Missandei was present with her Queen at the parley in the Dragonpit where Cersei eventually seemed to agree to cease attacking Daenerys and join forces to fight the Seven Kingdoms common threat. She also accompanied her Queen and lover on the voyage to White Harbour in the North to prepare for the upcoming battle with the Night’s King.
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